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The main types of service.

According to the Enterprise Law 2020, there are 5 main types of enterprises that individuals and organizations to choose the appropriate establishment model.

As the business grows after a period of business and has a desire to expand its market, choose how to establish:

The nature, characteristics, scale of the owner.

According to the law, each type of enterprise has the nature, characteristics, scale, management structure, powers and obligations of the company owner. Therefore, you can base on your actual needs to choose the right type of business.

Selection of joint stock companies

If you have 01 member, you can choose a 1-member limited company or a private enterprise.

If there are 2-50 members, you can choose a 2-member limited company.

If there are 3 or more members, you can choose a joint stock company.

  • A single-member limited company is owned by a single person or organization. The owner is responsible for the company’s debts and other property obligations within the company’s charter capital. A one-member limited liability company has legal status from the date of issuance of the Enterprise Registration Certificate. One-member limited liability company is not entitled to issue shares
  • Instructions for establishing a 1 member limited company you may not know
  • A limited liability company with two or more members is an enterprise in which the Owner may be an organization or individual with a minimum number of members of two and not exceeding fifty. Members are responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the enterprise within the amount of capital contributed to the enterprise. Two or more member limited liability companies have legal status from the date of issuance of the Enterprise Registration Certificate. A limited liability company with two or more members is not entitled to issue shares.
  • How to do the right profile of establishment of Co., Ltd.
  • A joint stock company is an enterprise in which the Company’s charter capital is divided into equal parts called shares. Shareholders can be organizations or individuals (minimum number is 03 and no limit on the maximum number) of shares. Shareholders are responsible for the company’s debts and other property obligations within the amount of capital contributed to the company. Shareholders have the right to freely transfer their shares to others, except for the case of transfer restrictions for the first 03 years for founding shareholders. The joint stock company has legal status from the date of issuance of the Enterprise Registration Certificate. Joint stock companies have the right to issue shares of all kinds to raise capital.
  • Guidance on establishment of joint stock companies
  • A private enterprise is owned by an individual and is solely responsible for all of its assets for all activities of the business. Private companies may not issue any kind of securities. Each individual is entitled to set up a private business. Private business owners must not be simultaneously business households or partnership members. Private enterprises are not entitled to contribute capital to establish or purchase shares or capital contributions in partnerships, limited liability companies or joint stock companies.
  • The most detailed business establishment procedures in 2020
  • The branch is a dependent unit of the enterprise, which is responsible for performing all or part of the functions of the enterprise including the authorized representative function. The branch’s business lines must be true to the business lines of the enterprise.
  • Advising on procedures for making dossiers for establishment of company branches
  • The representative office is a dependent unit of the enterprise, which is responsible for authorized representation of the interests of the enterprise and the protection of those interests.

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